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Discovering what is a government contract: uncover your place in this market and seeing where your company fits in
Find your perfect buyer: when you know exactly who buy's your services, targeting the customer becomes much easier
Choose how you want to earn: prime or subcontractor, consultant or reseller; knowing where to start is the roadmap to victory
Selecting the right name: a name can spell victory or defeat; learn how to choose carefully so you can set yourself up for early success
What equipment do I need to start: we'll share the top equipment & software recommendations for every budget
Understanding the buying process: learn how things really work using a real contract example
Is this possible: why not only is this possible, now is the best time to get started
Registering your business: want to know how the proper way to setup a LLC and request a Tax ID #
Registration and Launch: discover how to setup the business, choose the appropriate codes to maximize revenue, get registered to become eligible for bids and decide which certifications make sense for your business. A complete launch for a newbie getting started today.
Meet Eric Coffie
Eric the host of the Govcon Giants Podcast, founder and CEO of GovconEDU learning.
His mantra is, "teaching everyday people how to win extraordinary contracts".